COVID-19 Game Day Protocols

All players and club members we ask you read and respect the new rules and protocols that are in place to keep you safe during this time.

FHC Committee 

Hockey Club

Covid-19 Guidance and Practice

The great news is that it has been proven that the risk of transmission during competitive hockey is low and England Hockey has agreed with the Government that hockey can now move to Step 4, the resumption of training and intra club and local matches both outdoor and indoor.  Step 5 will be the resumption of full league and competition hockey when clubs and facilities are ready.  EH will continue to follow government and PHE guidance and a local lockdown may apply.


Adaptations will need to be made around the game to ensure that the risks can be kept low.  For the return to be successful everyone, players, coaches, umpires and supporters need to play their part to understand their responsibilities and follow the guidance issued by EH and any additional guidance issued by xxHC and individual venues.  It is important to avoid any setbacks and welcome all back to hockey.  Be considerate to all.

Essential reading

EH has produced several useful guidance sheets, you must read the ones appropriate to your role.

Participants guidance, watch EH video and look up Code of Behaviour and Ethics (All)

Detailed guidance for hockey (Extended guide useful if you have more responsibility)

Participant guidance (Players and parents of junior players)

Coach guidance (Coaches and assistants/helpers + EH are providing online workshops)

Umpire guidance (Umpires)

Facility operator guidance (All pitch providers)


What you need to do


  • All players, coaches, officials and volunteers need to complete the EH Participation Agreement which includes the Code of Ethics and Behaviour that all participants are expected to follow. Breaches could lead to sanctions by EH and FHC. This must be done before any participation in hockey. 


Outside of play 

  • Make your own decision whether your underlying health or other considerations may caution against a return to hockey at this stage
  • Follow the government travel advice ( safer-travel-guidance-for-passengers) 
  • Socially distance at 2m distancing in maximum sized groups of 6 when not on the pitch training or playing.
  • Clean your hands during breaks 
  • Follow the facility rules when accessing indoor and outdoor spaces and try to limit use of the toilets if reasonably possible


Before play

  • Sign the Participation Agreement (this only has to be done once)
  • Bring hand sanitiser – labelled with your name
  • Wear your playing kit – come ready + warm and waterproof clothes for the sideline in a waterproof bag.  Kit bags must be spaced out on the sideline, not in the dugout.
  • Bring enough water to last the whole session/game – labelled with your name
  • No sharing of drinks or food containers.  Sorry no sharing round that packet of jelly babies!
  • No sharing of kit or clothing.
  • Self-assess for Covid symptoms - if you have symptoms contact the NHS for a test 
  • Captains/coaches check players check players are registered with EH before picking them for playing or permitting attendance at training.
  • Complete the CRHC attendance register before each training session or match.  (These will be collated by the coach or captain and sent to the secretaries for the Men’s and Ladies’ sections and kept in accordance with GDPR for track and trace use if anyone tests positive or has symptoms)
  • Coaches/session organisers/helpers/captains read and be familiar with the facility specific risk assessments. 
  • If previous training / match is still running, stay off the pitch
  • The lead coach, team captain or other nominated person to brief all participants on the requirements for safe participation at the start of each session/game.  Please all listen and follow guidance.  Use the EH ‘Hockey’s Back! Here’s What to Remember’ poster as a guide.
  • Please do not arrive too early and gather around socialising, we need to follow EH guidance
  • Warm up and cool down should be socially distanced if possible
  • Match officials and team staff must remain socially distanced from players where possible.


During play / training

  • Training in groups of 30 maximum, can be more than one group per pitch if social distancing between groups can be maintained
  • Respect your opposition and umpires 
  • Take Penalty Corners and free-hits around the D promptly 
  • Touch the ball with your stick/GK equipment and not your hands.  Balls will be left for 72 hours after use or disinfected.
  • You must provide your own protective equipment e.g. facemasks (for short corners), which must be clearly labelled to be identified on sight on the ground
  • Bring your own cold packs/cold spray 
  • Only nominated persons may use hands to touch equipment including balls.  They must follow the EH guidance for coaches for sanitising hands and equipment
  • Socially distance when play stops 
  • Avoid shouting excessively, no spitting and no chewing gum 
  • No handshakes with other players or close contact during goal celebrations.  Sorry no hive fives or hugs!
  • Avoid running training exercises that involve overly repetitive close contact between players. 
  • Substitutes, coaches and volunteers to stay socially distanced on the sideline
  • Dugouts to be reserved for players who are injured or feeling unwell, max one person unless large enough to allow social distance to be kept.
  • The first aid kit should be kept in the dugout. 
  • An injured player can treat themselves, be treated by a member of their household or bubble, or if serious they can be treated by a nominated CRHC person (using PPE gloves and mask).  Washing hands with soap and water or cleaning with hand sanitiser must be done before opening the first aid kit and after treatment.  Nothing but first aid and PPE for first aid use to be kept in the first aid kit.  EH has guidance for first responders.

·      If a participant becomes symptomatic during play they must advise the coach or captain and return home immediately and follow government guidance.

After Play

  • Clean your kit or leave for 72 hours
  • If you display any symptoms of COVID-19 after playing hockey, contact xxHC’s  COVID-19 Officer (name and number) for further information + contact NHS Test & Trace and follow government guidance on self-isolation
  • Captains promptly send the attendance register to:
  • Eve Harvey
  • Secretaries promptly send the attendance registers to: with: Subject line: Attendance Records Submission for Organisation  


  • Must follow government guidance on size of groups and social distance and stay outside the fence surrounding the pitch.

Risk Assessments

The committee has undertaken a risk assessment and the leisure Centre has its own risk assessment:

N.B. If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Karen Moore FHC Covid 19 Officer on 07771573294

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Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as a player, official, coach or volunteer.

Get in touch


Bethan Riddick
Bethan Riddick


Karen Moore
Karen Moore

Club Captain

Lucy Townsend
Lucy Townsend

Fixture secretary

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